Monday, January 8, 2024

Opinion: ChatGPT hasn't fueled cheating in schools. Do teens know something adults don't? - LZ GRANDERSON, the Star

The introduction of ChatGPT did not lead to more cheating in high school. This is according to the students themselves. For 15 years, Stanford University researchers have used anonymous surveys and focus groups to create an environment for honest answers from students about their experiences in the classroom. Those studies include questions about whether the students cheat on assignments. As artificial intelligence creeps into the classroom, the issue to keep in mind is intent. Are students using AI to express their thoughts more clearly, or to avoid thinking? The foundation of teaching people to write is evangelising the process itself – a process of thinking, a process that can't be outsourced. When teachers emphasise the final product, they are encouraging cheating, because AI will soon be able to crank out pretty decent research papers.