Thursday, December 14, 2023

Shifts in student perceptions of online teaching and learning in the post-pandemic era - Cengage, Times Higher Ed

The 2023 Student Voices report by Cengage has revealed that employability is a central concern for students amid the new normal of digital and hybrid learning. Matthew Keown, head of sales for the UK and Europe at Cengage EMEA, discussed one of the biggest changes since the company began its Student Voices report. “In 2018, the key reason given by students to attend university was to pursue their interests,” he explained. “In 2023, there’s an increased element of personal development and improving their job prospects. They want transferable skills that will enhance their employability when they leave university.” The cost-of-living crisis is also casting a shadow over students’ experiences in higher education, with 42 per cent citing financial difficulties as one of the key challenges they face. Other common struggles reported were time management, academic pressure and mental health concerns.