Wednesday, December 6, 2023

DC's hottest new job — chief AI officer - Ina Fried, Ryan Heath - Axios

Hundreds of agencies across the federal government are scrambling to find more than 400 chief AI officers by the end of the year, as Ryan reports. Why it matters: The requirement, one of the edicts of President Biden's recent AI executive order, aims to make sure every arm of government has a top exec who is ready to deal with AI. Driving the news: The Office of Management and Budget released guidance to federal agencies on how to implement Biden's AI executive order — and how to hire a chief AI officer (CAIO) is on top of that list. The Executive Office of the President is also required to hire a Chief AI Officer, per the memorandum's definition of federal agencies. The order gave agencies a 60-day window to designate a person for this role and we are now approximately halfway through that window.