Monday, September 2, 2024

UC Santa Cruz turns to layoffs to grapple with $107M deficit - Ben Unglesbee, Higher Ed Dive

Layoffs are coming to the University of California, Santa Cruz as the institution tries to get a handle on its budget, Chancellor Cynthia Larive said in a message to campus Aug. 20. The public university’s fiscal 2024 year, which ended June 30, showed it had a whopping $107 million deficit in its core funds, which include state appropriations, tuition and fees. “This gap is concerning because it is both significant and higher than our initial Budget Office projection,” the chancellor said. Campus leaders are moving ahead with plans to reduce spending by $17 million for the fiscal 2025 year, which will require cutting back staff levels, Larive said. She noted that most reductions would be from eliminating unfilled rolls, but cuts would include some layoffs as well.