Friday, August 23, 2024

U.S. Confidence in Institutions Mostly Flat, but Police Up; Higher Ed 36% - MEGAN BRENAN, Gallup

Aside from the police, small business (68%) and the military (61%) are the only other institutions in the June 3-23 poll that garner majority-level confidence from Americans. Small business and the military are commonly seen at the top of the confidence list, with one of the two leading the list each year since 1989 -- the military 30 times and small business six times. Meanwhile, between 26% and 36% of U.S. adults express at least quite a lot of confidence in nine institutions -- the medical system, higher education, the church or organized religion, the U.S. Supreme Court, public schools, organized labor, banks, large technology companies, and the presidency. Although these levels of high confidence are well below the majority level, all generate at least quite a lot of confidence among Americans.