Saturday, August 24, 2024

Demand for Online Courses Surges, Creating Cultural Tensions - Lauren Coffey, Inside Higher Ed

Students are demanding more online courses than ever, a new survey of colleges’ chief learning officer finds, but this is accompanied by tensions over faculty autonomy and budget challenges. According to the ninth annual “Changing Landscape of Online Education” (CHLOE) report, released today, roughly three-quarters of the chief learning officers polled reported an increasing demand for online options from campus-based students, with 60 percent noting that online sections typically fill first. Nearly half (46 percent) of the 324 online learning leaders surveyed added that online program enrollment is outpacing enrollment growth in on-campus programs at their institutions. The findings come alongside seven in 10 respondents stating they are actively negotiating or had previously resolved tensions between online initiatives and the institution’s mission and culture.