Thursday, May 23, 2024

SAY GOODBYE to Coding Jobs! AGI is Taking Over! (Should You Learn To Code 2024) - the AI Grid, YouTube

So there was a recent clip that I probably should have covered already but I just didn't, because I was busy, but the point is is that there was a discussion about whether or not you should learn to code. Jenson Huang, the Nvidia CEO basically said in a clip that learning to code is pretty much pointless because we're going to be coding in a natural language. I'm going to play the clip, and I'm going to bring up some interesting points that I don't think have been discussed, because my perspective, I believe, is a little bit different. I know that a lot of people who are software developers have been discussing this, but as some that's been paying attention to the AI space, I think I can introduce a fresh narrative.  So take a listen to this and then I'm going to give you all the points on why I think there's a lot more that people aren't thinking about.