Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The truth about women’s ambition - McKinsey

The notion that work and life are incompatible, and that one comes at the expense of the other, is an outdated one. In fact, most women are taking more steps to prioritize their personal lives, but they remain just as committed to their careers and just as interested in advancing as women who aren’t taking more steps, say McKinsey’s Emily Field, Alexis Krivkovich, Lareina Yee, and coauthors in the latest Women in the Workplace report, developed in partnership with LeanIn.Org. Flexibility is fueling that ambition: a majority of women report having more focused time to get their work done when they work remotely. As Women’s History Month kicks off, check out these insights to bust more myths about the state of women at work and learn how companies, and society at large, can help support and advance women.