Monday, January 22, 2024

You thought 2023 was a big year for AI? Buckle up. AI will change the world this year. We just don’t know how yet. - Adam Clark Estes, Vox

If your job involves a computer, chances are you’ve already noticed some changes. You now have a whole host of AI-powered chatbots, like Microsoft’s Copilot digital assistant, which can help you summarize meeting notes or build a presentation. Your boss loves this AI assistant concept because it’s designed to help you do more work in less time, and you might like it simply because it makes your job easier. Either way, with billions of dollars of investor dollars pouring into AI companies, we can all expect to encounter these tools more often this year. “I expect mass adoption by companies that will start delivering some of the productivity benefits that we’ve been hoping for for a long time,” Erik Brynjolfsson, economist and director of Stanford Digital Economy Lab, wrote in a list of 2024 predictions. “If we embrace it, it should be making our jobs better and allow us to do new things we couldn’t have done before.”