Wednesday, January 31, 2024

This Chinese Startup Is Winning the Open Source AI Race - Will Knight, Wired

The startup’s founder and CEO is Kai-Fu Lee, a prominent investor who did pioneering artificial intelligence research before founding Microsoft’s Beijing lab and then leading Google’s Chinese business until 2009, a year before the company largely pulled out of the country. He says the creation of Yi-34B is the culmination of his life’s work trying to build more intelligent machines. 01.AI is one of China’s leading contenders in the AI race that was started by OpenAI and ChatGPT and has so far been dominated by US companies. Lee says his company aims to lead the next phase of this revolution by building some of the first “killer apps” built on the capabilities of language models, which earn 01.AI healthy revenues. “The apps that won the mobile era are ones that are mobile-first, like Uber, WeChat, Instagram, TikTok,” Lee says. “The next-gen productivity tools shouldn't look like Office anymore—Word, Excel, PowerPoint—that’s the wrong way to go.”