Friday, January 5, 2024

Nothing artificial about it: AI has emerged as an essential skill - Vikram Chaudhary, Financial Express

“Year 2023 saw increased usage of AI, which has grown into an essential skill that our classrooms, school systems, and university systems need to respond to,” Subodh told FE. “The CBSE introducing AI as a subject is a great systemic change, but the desired outcomes and scale cannot be achieved unless we integrate AI into our classrooms and upskill teachers.” He added that we need to look at AI in two different ways. “How AI can make education better (AI for Education), and how AI can be taught at scale and more inclusively in classrooms (AI in Education),” he said. “In 2024, the aim must be to ensure that teachers, students and children in rural areas have equal access to technology as in metro cities. We need to rework our education system where AI can be used as an education equaliser.”