Friday, December 22, 2023

From chalkboards to chatbots: Ethically embracing AI in education - Jennifer Stauffer, Fordham Institute

AI can open up new avenues for individualized instruction through several paradigms: AI-directed (learner as recipient), AI-supported (learner as collaborator), or AI-empowered (learner as leader). Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) as knowledgeable, personalized, 24/7 learning allies with seemingly infinite patience make addressing Benjamin Bloom’s 2 Sigma Problem seem not only possible, but an educational milestone that’s shockingly close in my own classroom. But GenAI goes even further, as abilities in planning, data analysis, communication, and workflow can be augmented. If prompted effectively, AI can assist in these tasks (and more) across a range of collaborative roles—teacher’s aide, student helper, administrative assistant, assistant coach, parent liaison—impacting every stakeholder in an educational community.