Friday, November 24, 2023

Phygital Convergence – Where the Digital and Physical Worlds Converge - Thomas Frey, Futurist Speaker

“Phygital convergence” refers to the blending of physical (phy-) and digital (-gital) experiences to create an ecosystem where users can move seamlessly between online and offline worlds. This term and concept represent a new frontier in retail, technology, and other sectors, where businesses are looking to offer an enhanced user experience that integrates the best of both worlds. Yet, the concept of phygital convergence extends beyond consumer experiences, permeating industries such as healthcare, where telemedicine combines in-person consultations with digital follow-ups, or education, where physical classrooms are enriched with virtual reality expeditions to distant lands and historical epochs. This convergence promises a harmonized existence where the digital complements the physical, offering enriched, personalized, and immersive experiences that were unthinkable just a few decades ago.