Monday, November 13, 2023

Elon Musk Is About To Release His First AI - Victor Tangermann, The_Byte

Elon Musk's artificial intelligence startup xAI is set to release its first AI model to a select group of users, the mercurial CEO said in a tweet. And since Musk is no stranger to overpromising, he's claiming his that startup's AI is "the best that currently exists." But whether that'll actually turn out to be true remains to be seen — and given his spotty track record on timelines and tech promises, he has a lot to prove. In April, the entrepreneur announced he was building a "maximum truth-seeking AI"  in an interview with far-right commentator Tucker Carlson on Fox News, designed to "understand the true nature of the universe," per the company's official website. Its name?  Apparently "TruthGPT."