Sunday, September 10, 2023

How one elite university is approaching ChatGPT this school year - Tate Ryan-Mosley, Technology Review

There was no moment, ever, when Yale thought about banning it. We thought about how we can encourage an environment of learning and experimentation in our role as a university. This is a new technology, but this is not just a technical change; it’s a moment in society that’s challenging how we think about humans, how we think about knowledge, how we think about learning and what it means. I got my staff together and said, “Look: we need to have guidance out there.” We don’t necessarily have the answers, but we need to have a curated set of resources for faculty to look at. We don’t have a policy that says you must use this, you shouldn’t use this, or this is the framework for using it. Make sure your students have a sense of how AI is relevant for the course, how might they use it, or should they not use it.