Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Supporting the Faculty Member Fearing GenAI - Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed

The advent of Generative AI has hit higher education with the force of an earthquake, deeply shaking many faculty members who have serious concerns for their careers.  Imagine reading reports that after all of the years of preparation and professional practice, your career is threatened by newly-developed large language models (LLM) that can conduct research; write reports; create curricula and courses; teach and tutor students; and provide detailed reports on student progress with active, adaptive paths to ensure all students meet essential outcomes. All of these developments have come in the virtual blink of an eye. These concerns and the resulting anxiety have affected senior, mid-career, and new faculty members alike. The anxieties are shared by many staff and administrators. As we open the university doors this fall, we need to address the anxiety and help resolve the very real and the imagined fears.