Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Productively and Painlessly Integrating Gen AI Into Your Fall Classes - Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed

It is important that we give our learners experience in using generative AI to prepare them for job interviews, career advancement and efficient practices in the workplace. With just a month or so before the start of fall classes, how can we best integrate AI into our classes and give our learners the valuable experience they need to land jobs and advance in this changing workspace? First, we must ask what are the most basic outcomes we expect, and how can we relate those to our field or discipline? While this is a relatively small step in integrating AI into your courses, it may be very important. I believe you will be surprised at the curiosity, creativity and critical thinking that it stimulates among your learners. It will open the door to students using these tools to adapt your other content to their needs and circumstances.