Sunday, January 8, 2023

Thoughts about the impact of AI text on assessment - Martin Dougiamas, Open EdTech News

Well, in the rest of our lifelong learning/work, we don't often ask each other to do quizzes and long essays.  We assess each other and build reputation through LONG-TERM ENGAGEMENT. You know if a colleague is good at their work or not, because you see what they do in an authentic context every day for a long time, or perhaps you follow them on social media for a long time. It’s the same in a homeschool, or an apprenticeship, or any really small class. In short, we need to embrace that AI is going to be a huge part of our lives when creating anything.  There is no gain in banning it or avoiding it.  It's actually easier (and better) to use this moment to restructure our education processes to be useful and appropriate in today's environment (which is full of opportunities).