Friday, November 19, 2021

A New Book Asks, Are We Prepared for the Next Contagion? - Lloyd I. Sederer, Medscape Psychiatry

The Contagion Next Time is a book whose very premise may have you wanting to skip ahead to the end. Written by Sandro Galea, MD, PhD, a physician, epidemiologist, and dean and Robert A. Knox Professor at the Boston University School of Public Health, the book offers a four-part treatise on what it will take to prevent the next global health catastrophe. Galea begins by sharply detailing the complex and entrenched social, racial, economic, and political problems that have persistently produced this country's exorbitant, broken, and inequitable healthcare system. Of course, COVID-19 has served to even more clearly bring these complex problems to the surface, which have long obstructed our ability to achieve the "common good" of health.