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Saturday, November 24, 2018
Who is really responsible for identifying, tracking student outcomes? - Hallie Busta, Education Dive
How are colleges and universities using data and analytics to capture and support efforts to improve student outcomes? And whose job is it, anyway? A report out earlier this year based on a study by three industry groups explores the roles of three key stakeholder groups whose responsibilities, they found, overlap more often than anticipated when it came to measuring student success. Those groups are institutional research, student affairs and information technology; more than 900 responses were collected. "No one part of the field owns student success," said D. Christopher Brooks, director of research at the Educause Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR), during a panel session Wednesday discussing the findings at the association’s annual meeting in Denver. "It requires partnerships across the institution, breaking down the silos and looking for ways we can collaborate from the beginning of the process."