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Monday, November 26, 2018
How colleges are adapting to workforce development mandates - Natalie Schwartz, Inside Higher Ed
The rise of emerging technologies is transforming America's job market, with some projections estimating that automation could displace as many as 30% of To address the needs of a growing population that will require new skills in order to compete in the workforce, some colleges and universities are reevaluating how they design their curriculum. And successfully preparing workers for the changing economy requires colleges to engage in unorthodox and bold thinking, said Waded Cruzado, the president of Montana State University, during a panel session about the future of the workforce held Wednesday at the annual Educause conference, in Denver. Machines will perform almost half (42%) of all task hours in the workplace by 2022, compared to 29% today, leading to some 75 million jobs being displaced and 133 million new roles emerging, according to the World Economic Forum. Colleges will need to create a comprehensive agenda to teach new skills that meets the demand of these learners, said Karen Stout, president and CEO of Achieving the Dream, a nonprofit focused on improving outcomes for community college students.