Tuesday, August 21, 2018

A new push for higher ed adjunct unionization - Tim Goral, University Business

Once meant to supplement full-time and tenured faculty, adjunct faculty were often viewed as “the others.” But times and economics have changed and this contingent force has become the majority of faculty in American higher education. One result of this shift is a new push to unionize adjunct professors for better pay, benefits and working conditions. In Professors in the Gig Economy (Johns Hopkins, 2018), Kim Tolley, a professor of education at Notre Dame de Namur University, brings together experts on education, labor history, economics, religious studies and law, all of whom have been involved with unionization at public and private colleges and universities. Their essays and case studies provide a valuable background to understanding why colleges and universities have come to rely so heavily on contingent faculty, and how unionization efforts have shaped the teaching and learning that happens on campus. https://www.universitybusiness.com/article/new-push-higher-ed-adjunct-unionization