Monday, February 6, 2017

Harvard is putting a 13 module photography course online for free - Udi Tirosh, DIYPhotography

Four months ago, it was Stanford who made their photography course for free, and now comes Harvard’s turns. Harvard has an online learning platform – Alison – and their photography course has been uploaded in whole and accessible worldwide. There are 12 modules with an extra module as a bonus, so you can follow on your own pace. the course is estimated to take 10-15 hours for the average student. If you were wondering, here is the course description: Digital photography technology is continually changing, however, the principles behind good photography don’t. The online photo course gives you the opportunity to gain extensive knowledge and understanding of digital photography including topics such as exposure settings, how to read and use the histogram, how light affects a photograph, how the camera sensor and lenses work, and how to process a photograph using computer software.