Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Illinois colleges face covering state-promised grant decision in budget uncertainty - Associated Press

Colleges and universities are again deciding whether to front grant money to low-income students who are supposed to be receiving state aid, as Illinois' state budget remains uncertain. A survey recently released by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission suggests some schools that covered grants in the fall aren't guaranteeing to this spring, The Southern Illinoisan newspaper reported. The commission administers the grants through the Monetary Award Program, or MAP. Of the 96 colleges and universities that responded to the survey, 53 percent said they'd guarantee money for the spring semester, down from 60 percent in the fall. More than 35 schools eligible to receive the grants didn't respond to the survey. http://www.qconline.com/news/illinois/illinois-colleges-face-grant-decision-in-budget-uncertainty/article_932174a4-c39a-11e6-8023-e786a4ae50e5.html