Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Nursing Cyber-education: More pros than cons - Cathryn Domrose, Nurse.com

Enrollment in degree programs has been increasing at all levels as nurses and employers develop higher expectations of advanced education for the profession, according to healthcare researchers. Online learning is increasingly becoming the method of choice for many. About 7.1 million students took at least one online course in 2013, reflecting an annual growth rate of 6.1%, according to the Babson Survey Research Group. To create an atmosphere of academic collegiality and community, students and instructors use a variety of tools to duplicate interactions they would normally have in person. Class discussions on case studies or situational problems are often held on message boards, with students contributing their portions whenever they sign on. They might write group papers or contribute to group projects on “wikis,” Web pages that allow collective contributions and edits. Real-time class meetings and discussions are held on Web conferencing sites. Instructors post videos of guest lectures and interviews and record student presentations for the entire class to see. https://news.nurse.com/2015/07/10/cyber-education-more-pros-than-cons/