Tuesday, January 20, 2015

WHO commissioned study finds eLearning as good as traditional training for health professionals - Imperial College London

Electronic learning could enable millions more students to train as doctors and nurses worldwide, according to research. A review commissioned by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and carried out by Imperial College London researchers concludes that eLearning is likely to be as effective as traditional methods for training health professionals. eLearning, the use of electronic media and devices in education, is already used by some universities to support traditional campus-based teaching or enable distance learning. Wider use of eLearning might help to address the need to train more health workers across the globe. According to a recent WHO report, the world is short of 7.2 million healthcare professionals, and the figure is growing. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-01/icl-eag010815.php