Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Code And College Readiness Are Reinventing Education On 30 Under 30 - Caroline Howard, Forbes

How we learn and teach is markedly changing. Some of the credit for this great transformation is due to the 30 young people on this list (not to mention our past 30 Under 30 honorees in education). These change-makers are ripe to ripple and quake the educational system as we know it, from grade school up through higher ed. This revolution is largely made possible by three factors: digital disruption, a storming of the gated communities of quality education and a belief in DIY and life-long learning — not to mention all those dollars from venture capitalists and state and federal governments. T Michael Moe, cofounder of edtech investor GSV Capital GSVC -1.57%, calls this shift the “Second American Revolution,” and asks the rest of us: We can choose to accept the status quo of a failing education system or we can opt to embrace the transformative potential of technology, re-conceptualize traditional models and invest in building our nation’s education and knowledge capital. This is our call to arms. Which side of history will we be on?