Tuesday, January 6, 2015

California colleges see surge in efforts to unionize adjunct faculty - Larry Gordon, LA Times

A wave of union organizing at college campuses across California and the nation in recent months is being fueled by part-time faculty who are increasingly discontented over working conditions and a lack of job security. At nearly a dozen private colleges in California, adjunct professors are holding first-time contract negotiations or are campaigning to win the right to do so. Those instructors complain of working semester to semester without knowing whether they will be kept on, lacking health benefits and in some cases having to commute among several campuses to make a living. While union activists say they look forward to better working terms and a greater voice in how campuses are governed, many college administrators say they are worried that such union contracts could mean less flexibility in academic hiring and higher tuition costs. http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-unions-colleges-20150104-story.html
Just announced... adjunct faculty at Washington University have voted for SEIU representation: