Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Online Learning: Outcomes and Satisfaction among Underprepared Students in an Upper-Level Psychology Course - Colleen McDonough, Ramona Palmerio Roberts, Jessamy Hummel; OJDLA

This research suggests that outcomes and student satisfaction do not differ in any meaningful ways in traditional, online, and hybrid college courses. These findings underscore the quality and value of the online learning platform for institutions of higher learning, educators, parents, students, and the general public – not only is student performance similar to traditional courses, but students enjoy it as well. Given that the scholarship of online learning seems to be here to stay, it is reassuring to know that its effectiveness is similar to traditional courses at the undergraduate level. Student engagement and course involvement online may play a role in their outcomes, however, so students who tend to procrastinate or who lack intrinsic motivation might be better suited to traditional courses. http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/fall173/mcdonough_roberts_hummel173.html