Sunday, May 5, 2013

What’s the proper role of MOOCs in higher ed? - Armando Fox, the Berkeley Blog

We at Berkeley and our colleagues on other UC campuses are working hard to proactively inform the media, the private sector, and the public servants in Sacramento and elsewhere about both the opportunities and the pitfalls of online education. Our intention is to persuade them that “proceed optimistically but with care” is the right thing to do by our students, who are entrusting us with four or more years of education and career development when they arrive on campus. As with any new technology, effective use of online learning can improve both the quality and quantity of what we do, but misapplication of the technology can just as surely lead to teaching the largest number of people in the shallowest possible way, which is in nobody’s interest. Using online learning to improve what we are good at, while doing the research to illuminate the opportunities we haven’t yet taken advantage of, are key to sustaining the reputation of quality that has taken nearly a century and a half to build.