Monday, July 9, 2012

Sign Up for Google’s Power Searching Online Learning Course to Boost Your Google-Fu - LifeHacker

Google's search options are arguably some of the most powerful and flexible available, and they're sure to take you to the results you're looking for—assuming you know how to get the most out of Google Search. If your Google-fu could use a little brushing up, sign up for Power Searching with Google, a free online course being offered by Google's search division. It's guaranteed to boost your searching skills. The Power Searching with Google class starts on July 10th, and you can sign up with your Google Account. The course will consist of six 50 minute classes that you can take in your own time over a two week window, along with other students from all over the world. The course will consist of some traditional exercises, some interactive searching, Google+ Hangouts on Air, and Google Groups, where you can talk to other participants, and even members of the Google Search team to boost your search skills and get hints if you get stuck with a particular challenge.