Sunday, April 22, 2012

Silicon Valley Needs Femgineers - Ayna Agarwal and Ellora Israni, Huffington Post

We have been told, time and time again, we need more women in technology. But we're not entirely convinced. Is there really a difference? The greatest technology companies of our time -- Apple, Google, Facebook -- have been successfully founded and run by men. And they seem to be doing a pretty good job. What exactly would a female technical head do differently for the iPhone or Google Search or Faceboook Connect? We really have no idea why we need more women in technology. Two years ago, the message that 'we', females, were needed in the industry didn't resonate strongly enough to change our plans. We entered Stanford a couple of eager fresh(wo)men with aspirations in medicine and psychology. We wanted to experience everything Stanford had to offer, to embody the collegiate stereotype, and to make the world a better place. And we know what you're thinking: yeah, right. Ellora is now a full-fledged Computer Science major, and Ayna is studying Human-Computer Interaction in Symbolic Systems -- a conglomeration of computer science, philosophy, psychology, and linguistics. In a couple years we'll graduate from Stanford as engineers. But we like to think of ourselves as a little more than that: we're femgineers.