Thursday, July 6, 2017

How This Entrepreneur Is Changing The Way College Leaders Are Learning - Brian Rashid, Forbes

StudySoup, a new age learning marketplace was designed to cater to both students’ increasing comfort interacting and sharing via digital platforms, as well as their needs to find new resources to expand their educational experiences. The StudySoup platform was born out of the founders’ own frustrations with limited peer-driven academic resources in the digital age. As a student at UC Santa Barbara, Sieva Kozinsky knew, firsthand, that traditional study aids were not cutting it as sufficient academic resources. As a student, he felt limited by the resources he had at his disposal: outdated guides, incomplete class notes, and online tutors who were well out of his budget as a student. Feeling trapped by the lack of help he felt he had, and the lack he saw his friends experiences, Sieva created a peer-driven solution that has opened up the world of academic tutoring and exploration and has empowered students to take more proactive roles in fueling their classmates academic trajectories. Here are a few ways StudySoup has rocked the collegiate world for the better: