Tuesday, June 13, 2017

States consider cutting middle-class aid for higher ed - Pat Donachie, Education Dive

States are considering proposed cuts to aid for students attending college, including programs intended to help middle-class families pay for college tuition and expenses, as some argue middle class aid takes funds from the most needy college applicants, according to Inside Higher Ed. California Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed discontinuing the Middle Class Scholarship Program, which is based on family income levels and was started in 2014-2015, though other legislators have argued that the program is often a “financial lifeline” to families slightly above the line for low-income aid. Though many states have recovered from the effects of the Great Recession, legislators are still cautious in constructing their budgets in case of future economic turmoil. Many legislators are approaching student aid cuts by trying to determine whether it is better to fund based on need or merit. http://www.educationdive.com/news/states-consider-cutting-middle-class-aid-for-higher-ed/443655/