Friday, May 26, 2017

Bible college in Colorado Springs to sell campus, switch to online-only - Debbie Kelley, the Gazette

"I'm not ready for the sun to set on Nazarene Bible College," said Harold Graves Jr., who's been president of the college since 2006. The school is selling its 18.5-acre campus with six buildings and converting to an online-only instructional format. It's a sign of the times, Graves said, but one that he hopes becomes a blessing. "It's a real challenge in this day and age for small colleges, whether they be Christian colleges or private schools, to keep things going unless there's a large endowment," he said. "Across the nation we're seeing mergers." Enrollment of students on site has been declining for years, Graves said, to the point of no longer being able to sustain the organization. "The cost of operating this campus really began to be a detriment to the mission of the college," he said.