Saturday, January 7, 2017

What Will Be The Next Trend In Online Education? - Ken Mazaika, Forbes

Delivery of the right content, at the right time, in the right medium. Let me explain through an example. Say you’re trying to learn about software development in a physical classroom. The quality of your experience would be limited by four key things: The structure/pacing of your course materials/outline. How fast/slow your classmates can learn software development. The mediums available to teach software development in a physical space. The depth of knowledge of your teacher in software development. When done correctly, online education has the power to break every single one of these limitations. It can flip the way we learn completely upside down by ushering in a brand new model. People sometimes refer to this as the student-led model, which, through technology, gives students the power to get the right content, at the right time, in the right medium.