Saturday, January 28, 2017

Don’t make this unfortunate online program mistake in 2017 - SETH ODELL, eCampus News

In response to widespread stagnation in postsecondary enrollments, many institutions look to scale their programs and attract students beyond their own backyards. And since online education makes logistical sense for delivering instruction to wider audiences, an online program is often looked at for expansion opportunities. Yet frequently, colleges and universities don’t realize just how competitive the national online education market is. Not only are they stepping onto a court with the biggest brands in higher education, but national marketing efforts are notably costly compared to local marketing efforts. The fact of the matter is that for most institutions, online education is most successful when considered as an alternative modality for local students familiar with an institution’s brand rather than a path to the national market. One common mistake is to try and make an online program go national right away; instead, go local for better success, sustainability.