Sunday, January 8, 2017

Creating cohorts: how to solve the online learning conundrum - Tim Sarchet, Personnel Today

If we accept that social interaction is key to teaching certain subjects, and that the current problem facing online learning experiences is effectiveness, then one thing matters more than anything else: cohorts. Learning in groups has long been a feature of effective learning and a core metric for measuring academic institutions. The QS World Universities Ranking attributes 20% of their overall assessment to faculty-student ratio, while the Times Higher Education World University Rankings assigns teaching quality, of which faculty-student ratio is one of the most important factors, 30% of their overall assessment. While there is some disagreement as to the optimum class size, it is hard to find any argument or research in favour of very large classes. Simply put, relatively small groups are hugely beneficial to learning outcomes, but while many companies may appreciate this, the perceived logistical and cost implications mean individually taken, web-based programmes continue to be the norm in business learning.