Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Blended, Online Nursing Grad Programs Offer Varied Options - Jordan Friedman, US News

Between odd work hours and clinical requirements, experts say, prospective online nursing students need to assess their flexibility when choosing a program format. In search of an online nursing graduate degree program with hands-on experience, Adam Switzer, a registered nurse at a medical center in Texas, found the University of Texas—Tyler's hybrid family nurse practitioner program, offered primarily online with a component on campus. Alongside professors, he says, he learns skills such as suturing, a method used to close wounds. "There are certain techniques that you can see on video," the 34-year-old student says. But, he says, having a professor critiquing up close is an added advantage. Students considering an online grad degree in nursing might need to make a choice: whether to attend a program that's fully online or one that's blended, which usually refers to a combination of online and traditional education.