Thursday, November 3, 2016

6 steps to successfully break the print textbook model - KERRY PIGMAN, eCampus News

Why we can’t answer 21st century demands to adopt new, affordable types of course content with an outdated 20th century model for buying print textbooks. The higher education course content market is in chaos. Print textbook prices continue to soar, up 73 percent in the past 10 years, more than 4 times the rate of inflation, according to US PIRG report. Students are delaying or worse, not buying course materials because they aren’t affordable, according to a recent survey. And while faculty are slowly starting to embrace low-cost or free textbook alternatives, namely Open Educational Resources [OER], their awareness levels remain in the basement, according to a new Babson Research survey. Meantime, two- and four-year public institutions’ online and physical bookstores continue to issue RFPs with recurring themes and required elements.