Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Weaknesses of online and face-to-face learning - Nigel Paine, Learning and Development

“People today like to access a smartphone which apparently we do 200 or 300 times a day. “The idea that online learning means you sit at a desk behind a desktop computer is nonsense.” The best online learning is a combination of various forms of learning, including engaging people on smartphones and tablets. “But it’s not good to take something which fits on a 21 inch desktop and squeeze it onto a phone-size screen so it’s totally illegible and absolutely useless,” said Paine. “I am talking about reconfiguring learning for a smartphone. Most of us don’t sit there for hours looking at our phone, we access it for 30 seconds or so. We don’t write essays on a phone, we send a two-line text.” http://www.ldphub.com/general-news/weaknesses-of-online-and-facetoface-learning-223731.aspx