Thursday, January 28, 2016

Collaborative classrooms mark wave of the future in higher ed - Tara García Mathewson, Education Dive

Student-centered models turn instructors into guides as students investigate for themselves. Student-centered, collaborative classroom design is exploding across higher education and virtually all faculty today understand the difference between labs of computers and classrooms that feature them. INTERESC has three collaborative classrooms in high demand and plans to design more as soon as there’s money to build them. The designs put students at the center of instruction, shifting the faculty role to one of tutor or guide. “This changes the whole way we teach,” Benavides said. At the School of Education, students benefit from more engaging class periods, as well as the modeling of how to be comfortable with technology as teachers. Their instructors serve as content guides, and they also help solve technical problems that are sure to crop up in the modern classrooms.