Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Online learning, from biochemistry to Basque - Nicole Freeling, University of California

Launched in January 2013, UC’s Innovative Learning Technologies Initiative (ILTI) has supported the development of 80 online undergraduate courses, with dozens more in development. Subjects range from psychology and pre-calculus to more esoteric topics. The courses – which are as rigorous as in-person courses – carry unit credit, and many count toward specific graduation or major requirements. Some 29 are now open for enrollment for the coming term. “I thought about teaching an online course for years, but I didn’t have the resources to put it together,” said UC Santa Cruz faculty member Susan Schwartz. ILTI offered funding and the technical and instructional design support she needed to develop a course on the geology of national parks, which she now co-teaches with UC Davis professor David Osleger and UC San Diego professor Jeff Gee. http://universityofcalifornia.edu/news/online-learning-biochemistry-basque