Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Essay by 25-year veteran of college adjunct teaching: Treadmill to Oblivion - Anonymous, Inside HIgher Ed

2015 is my 25th year of adjunct teaching. In the fall I will teach my 500th three-credit college course. I have put in many 14- to 16-hour days, with many 70- to 80-hour weeks. My record is 27 courses in one year, although I could not do that now. I want to share my thoughts on adjunct teaching. I write anonymously to not jeopardize my precarious positions. How typical is my situation? Some adjuncts have full-time nonteaching jobs that provide economic security and health insurance. Other adjuncts have spouses or partners providing financial support and benefits. I have tried to survive just by teaching. https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2015/05/11/essay-instructor-who-has-taught-adjunct-25-years