Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Within Striking Distance of Degree Completion - Paul Fain, Inside Higher Ed

Americans who attended college for a while but never earned a credential might be the key to achieving the ambitious college completion goals the White House and influential foundations have set. It’s a big group. More than 31 million people enrolled in college during the last two decades but left without earning a degree or certificate and have not returned to higher education for at least 18 months, according to new data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. The most common type of potential completer is 24 to 29 years old and has been out of higher education for two to six years, the report found. About 600,000 women and slightly fewer than 500,000 men fit this description. http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/07/29/clearinghouse-report-identifies-31-million-who-attended-college-didnt-complete#sthash.si8d0Nc4.dpbs

complete report: http://nscresearchcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/NSC_Signature_Report_7.pdf