Monday, April 23, 2012

Budget cuts devastating UF - Richard W. Moyer, Gainesville Sun

This year alone, UF will suffer $38 million in budget cuts, creating an accumulated reduction in state funding to UF of 30 percent, or $240 million, since 2006. Departments and colleges are being forced to spend reserve funds designed for programmatic growth and enhancement to costs previously covered by the state. Therefore, the incentive to accumulate reserve funds is rapidly being erased. While it is true that the university should be very mindful of creative ways to save money, cuts of this magnitude cannot help but undermine the very fabric of the UF mission and indeed the entire State University System. On the table for reductions to help meet these most current cuts are job cuts within university and even perhaps elimination of an entire college, as detailed in The Sun articles referenced. Loss of some of the most respected faculty will surely follow.