Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Faculty Learning Communities: Making the Connection, Virtually - Angela Atwell, Cristina Cottom, Lisa Martino, and Sara Ombres, Faculty Focus

Research has shown that interactions with peers promotes faculty engagement (McKenna, Johnson, Yoder, Guerra, & Pimmel, 2016). Faculty learning communities (FLC) have become very popular in recent years. FLCs focus on improving teaching and learning practice through collaboration and community building (Cox, 2001). Usually, FLCs are face-to-face meetings hosted at a physical location at a specific date and time. We understand the benefit of this type of experience. However, we recognize online instructors will likely find it difficult to participate in a traditional FLC. So, we set out to integrate FLC principles to provide our faculty, living and working all over the globe, a similar experience. https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/faculty-development/faculty-learning-communities-making-connection-virtually/