Friday, September 8, 2017

Why Digital Technology Is to Higher Ed What Electricity Was to Manufacturing: The next 50 years - Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed

We might be in for a similar 50 year transition as we in higher ed figure out how to take advantage of all the affordances of digital technologies. An interesting thought experiment to run is to ask if starting from scratch, would we design our colleges and universities the same way as they are now? Giving ourselves the freedom to think about redesigning our institutions from a clean slate may yield some interesting changes. Given our shift in understanding of the critical role of active learning, would we continue to build tiered lectured halls with fixed seats? How might we change the organization of our classrooms, labs, libraries, and residential facilities to encourage project based and experiential learning? If we started from the premise of abundant information available on ubiquitous mobile screens, how might we design our physical environments to encourage collaboration and social learning?