Thursday, July 7, 2016

Crowded Out: The Outlook for State Higher Education Spending - Dan White and Sarah Crane, Moody’s Analytics

The report includes 10 papers and the final report focus on answering three primary questions related to reaching the 60 percent goal. First, how do we realign incentives and retarget existing public funding to make the entire system more efficient and to increase graduation rates for students generally and students of color and from low-income families in particular? Second, what are the new, innovative models to deliver postsecondary education that can both lower the cost and increase the productivity of the entire system? Third, what options do federal and state governments and the private sector have for increasing funding for higher education? It is important to stress here that the interest is in the “ value proposition “ that underlies these three primary questions. The” value proposition “ focuses on the national imperative of building a more highly skilled and educated work force not merely a more credentialed one.