Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Online learning key to breaking “male breadwinner” model - Women's Agenda

Distance learning and online education will play a big part in breaking the male breadwinner model in regional areas. “It’s almost like a vicious cycle - you need to get those skillsets up in order to command higher wages, afford childcare and return to the workforce. If you don’t have good public transport to take you between TAFEs and universities it’s not possible,” she says. “Therefore in regional areas distance education facilitates a lot of women to be able to get their skills up to date and return to work.” Charles Sturt University is also placing a big focus on regional entrepreneurship to help women develop better entrepreneurial skills, encouraging women to apply what they are learning through workplace learning experiences or assessment tasks that relate directly to their industry. “This is another way in which a lot of regional women can overcome these barriers to the labour market – by setting up their own business,” says Dr Bamberry.